The Valley of Decision

“Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision” (Joel 3:14).  Every true apostolic leader is now living in the extreme days of the Valley of Decision! Worldwide, every true leader is under greater and greater pressure to make life-impacting decisions on a scale never experienced before.

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The escalating spiritual warfare, and in many countries, physical war touches all Seven Mountains of society - worldwide! It is anti-God, anti-family, and anti-YOU, as true believer in Jesus Christ - especially if you take a stand and push back against demonic forces! Faith, church, and family, and much more are under attack by liberals, socialists, corrupt leaders, self-centered leaders, and dictators in every nation. It is a coordinated attack on more levels than ever before.

We can’t just stand by and hope it goes away. This is an evil war that will not stop for we are in the last days, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come” (2 Timothy 3:1).

An evil warfare needs righteous warriors to lead God’s army by His strategies and push back the gates of hell! Leaders who will defend the Word of God, the people of God and stand up to evil.

God has raised up true apostolic leaders for such a time as this!

True MasterBuilders and Master Warriors who hear God’s call as Joel says,

 Joel 3:9:

·         Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for War!

·         Wake up the mighty men! (apostolic leaders)

·         Let all men of war draw near! (come together)

 Joel 3:11:

·         Let them come up! (Leave from where you are)

·         Assemble and come, all you nations! (tribal leaders)

·         And gather together (relationally) and cause your mighty ones to go down there, O Lord.”

God is calling us to come together to hear His Word, His strategies, His wisdom, and learn what works and what does not from Experienced Warriors.

That is why I have called over 50 of God’s true warrior-leaders I work with to share their insights and wisdom November 15-18, 2022 in Dallas, Texas!

They know what it means to make the hard decisions that make all the difference between winning and losing the battles we face today!

I strongly encourage you to make a decision today to join me for the ICAL MasterBuilder 2022 Conference November 15-18 in Dallas, Texas. Click for all details!

The day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision!

2022 John P. Kelly