Apostolic LeaderShift

Everyone who is part of an apostolic family must understand what God is saying today.

The tyranny of the crisis, chaos, and conflict is causing many church leaders to mainly focus on survival individually, as a family, and as a ministry. It's hard to see an end to the increasing worldwide chaos, but if it does, many church leaders will return to their previous methods of leading and managing - except for real apostolic leaders.

Apostolic leaders are God's designated change leaders whom God gives prophetic foresight to SEE beyond a survival mentality. Yes, we must manage the current challenges, but that must not be the prime focus. And we cannot return to the same patterns and methods used before a crisis and expect all will turn out well.

The grace apostle gift has the Strategic Prophetic Foresight to see a new future - and HOW to make it a Reality!

We all need to know HOW to get from where we are now to where God wants us to be and be ready for the End Time Harvest.

Apostles take dreams, visions, revelations, and prophetic scriptures and bring them into a pragmatic reality (Acts 3:18-21). Pragmatic means practical, logical, realistic.

Apostles keep building and equipping God's Church and help Leaders Shift into ways for new seasons.

This requires an apostolic LeaderShift mindset. If you are a leader in ministry or marketplace or emerging as a leader - I strongly recommend you join me at the ICAL MasterBuilders Stand Strong! Global Gathering Nov. 13-17, 2023 in Dallas, Texas. Register today! All details

 Building together with Him and you,

 John P. Kelly, ICAL International Convenor